Up in the Roof: A Few Photographs from St Nicholas…

Eye-to eye with roof angels at King’s Lynn, November & December 2014: Pt. 2

The angel roof at St Nicholas shows signs of several earlier restorations, with replacement work of varying quality. But most of the full size angels - which are about 4 1/2ft tall - appear (barring some obvious patching) to be the work of medieval carvers, from the early C15th when the church was built. I think there are two, or perhaps even three carvers’ “hands” in evidence here, all working in very distinctive styles.

I’ve christened one of these the Methwold Master, since his hand (I’m convinced) can be seen in the roof at St George’s Methwold, and another, less decorously, but for obvious reasons, the Intestinal Hair Carver. The latter’s work (or that of his workshop) can, I’m convinced, be seen in two other angel roofs in the area.

I’ll post on this, and the whole issue of carvers’ hands shortly, and there’s more on it in the book (see the Menu), which should be out in late Spring 2015.

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